For nearly three decades Mills Selig has been recognised as a leading Media Law Firm in Northern Ireland – representing many national newspapers, broadcast organisations, book and magazine publishers and high-profile individuals. The firm is ranked ‘Tier 1’ by Media Law International.
Mills Selig is retained by many of these clients due to their need to have expert, trusted and knowledgeable local outside Counsel in Northern Ireland.
Our Media & Defamation Expertise
- libel & slander
- breach of confidence/privacy
- reporting restrictions
- contempt of court
- press complaints
- copyright
- pre-publication work
Our Media Law Clients
Our expertise and experience in all aspects of Media Law means that we attract regular instructions from:
- Regional / National / Global Broadcasters
- Regional / National / Global Newspapers and Media Outlets
- Regional / National / Global Publishers
- Digital Media / Technology Organisations – including social networking platforms and communications websites
- Music and film Industry
- Advertising and Marketing Industry
- Individuals / Media Personalities
Our Media Law Practice
The calibre and quality of our clients demonstrates our expertise, experience and enhanced profile in the area of media law and defamation.
The Media Law team at Mills Selig has also in recent years developed the practice to specialise in online defamation and publication. This work area has expanded greatly in response to the changing media law landscape and demonstrates the firm’s innovative, progressive nature and the Media Law team’s ability to stay ahead of the curve.

Media & Defamation Team

Emma Hunt
Partner & Head of Litigation
Mark Thompson
Senior Associate, Litigation